Civil Brand

Gimme that.
Game over.
- Fuck.
- You lose, bitch.

Help! Help!
Fuck! I'm gonna get you, Nikki,
I swear!

- I'm sorry.
- No, no, I'm sorry.

It's a coed locker room,
you know.

- Yeah.
- Not much you can do about it.

I forgot about that.
- How you doing?
- I'm doing pretty good.

I guess you're doing fine.
Now Cervantes,
she was a cold-blooded
rules-and-regulations-type bitch.

And I came out okay.
To tell you the truth, I don't think
the whole law enforcement thing

is, you know, for me.
I hope that's not an insult,
only because my family

- is rooted in law enforcement.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

We would try to, like, talk to her
about our problems sometimes,

but she was too busy trying
to earn stripes with the warden

hollering at all the new
male guards. 'Sup with that?

- I didn't take it as a dis...
- Okay, cool. Cool.

Maybe we can got to lunch
or something. You can explain.

- Yeah.
- Oh, wow, yeah.

That would be--
that would be dope.

I really wish I could.
I got study hall after this.

It's cool. Maybe--
maybe sometime in the future

we'll have a chance to talk
and I can change your mind

about law enforcement.
O-okay. All right, then.
- Good.
- All right.

You take care.

- You too, Cervantes.
- All right now.

Why's she taking
so long on the phone?

Leave her alone.
She talking to her hairdresser.

Bitch ain't got but one friend.
