Thanks for helping
with Lil' Mama last night.
That was nice of you.
You didn't have to do nothing,
and you did.
You're all right with me,
- Nikki.
- What?
My name is Frances.
Call me that.
All right, Frances.
Might make you my little sister
or something up in here.
All we had
was each other
and sometimes a little support
from the outside.
Like one visiting day,
when Nikki's mama
was bringing the babies
that she had in jail.
You know that motherfucker Dease
wouldn't even let Nikki hold 'em
before he gave her
to her mother?
Frances was excited
'cause she was expecting
good news from her lawyer
about the appeal.
Everybody was feeling good
that day.
- You look so pretty.
- Thanks.
Where you going?
Her mama is coming
to bring her babies!
- Lil' Mama, you can't hold piss.
- I'm sorry.
I didn't want nobody
to know until now.
You better take pictures.
You look beautiful.
I'm happy for you.
- Hey, hey, I did a good job.
- Yeah, you did.
Well, Ms. Barnes.
Well, well, well.
Ms. Barnes, Ms. Barnes.
Don't she look pretty?
Like going to the prom
or something.
Very nice.
Ms. Shepard,
you have a visitor.
- See you later, Frances.
- See you soon, guys.
I will be back for you,
Ms. Barnes.
Okay, so in the meantime,
I got smokes.
But like they say,
"Shit happens."
Nikki's mama never came,
and Frances' appeal was denied.
Ms. Shepard, your transfer
was denied.
Guess you're gonna
be with us a little longer.
Come on, ladies.
Eat up! Eat up!
Come on, eat up!
Man, they start working us
longer and longer.
Sometimes we went to bed
without dinner.
After all that
and Nikki's beating too,
man, Wet said
she had enough.