Remember to reset the clock.
- Thank you.
- Look at this.
Almost 8% up from last year.
Yeah, but that's
a nationwide trend now.
What are you thinking?
More cutbacks?
I'm not sure.
We'll know more
after this afternoon.
I caught the last 10 minutes
of your husband's
documentary the other night.
Really interesting stuff.
I'll let him know.
He'll be pleased.
It's a real labor of love
for him.
He was, what, the director?
Yeah, director.
Writer. Voice-over.
It's real low-budget stuff.
It's tough to make a living
in that business.
Oh, shit.
Up! Up! Up! Up!
We're late.
Your mom forgot to reset
the alarm again!
Dad, these shoes hurt.
Well, then change them.
Pour your juice, Jesse.
Just pour your juice.
Oh, shit.
Dad, where's Mom?
She's in Cincinnati or Chicago.
Someplace like that.
Oh, my God.
It's late.
I have to be at school
early today.
That's not gonna happen.
Hey, Dad, do they have
a Niketown in Milwaukee?
I'm just gonna call Mom.
Hey, Jesse.
She is on an airplane, okay?
I know that.
I'm leaving her a message.