Wiped everything out.
Maybe we did cook the books
a little bit.
What the hell
you gonna do about it?
Nothing, sir.
That was a long time ago.
Bang, went the hammers.
Bang, went the hammers down
till they were all dead.
All of them.
Who was dead?
10,000 sheep in three days.
Bang. Next. Bang. Next.
Bang. Next.
And he didn't have
the stomach for it.
"Pooh. Pooh."
Didn't even kill it.
Wriggling on the floor.
Making noise.
I had to finish him off myself.
You see, you have to hold it
like this, you know?
One bang in the head.
It's better than a bullet.
Cheaper, anyway.
And straight into the brain.
Give me another cherry.
Down the devil's throat.
No spine is what happens
when your mama's a whore.
Running off with
any old cock of the walk.
Piss for brains as well.
Give me that.
They'll always be there,
you know.
Thank the Lord.
Cold Creek Manor.
Tammy. Grady.
Give me another cherry.
I'm sorry, sir.
They're all gone.
You little shithead.
Nurse. Nurse.
Now, Mr. Massie.
What's all the yelling for?
Thank you, Mr. Massie.
Give my regards
to President Bush.