It's froze,
How long it been there for?
- You hungry?
- Yeah,
Not very long,
Good evenin',
Hope we didn't disturb you,
D'you mind if I warm myself by your fire?
Name's Teague,
- Do I know you?
- Stobrod Thewes,
- That your wife?
- That's a he,
Is he your wife?
we're musicians,
He picks a banjo, I got a fiddle,
Your sweetheart's got
a nice piece of flesh on him,
- He looks pretty romantic by the fire,
- It's a picture of love,
You gonna play that fiddle?
Hey, wake up,
Evenin', missis,
- where's Georgia?
- where's Georgia?
- Captain Teague wants us to play now,
- love to,
we heard there were some deserters
up in these parts hidden out in a big cave,
- Not come to my ears,
- So you don't know where this big cave is?
- No, sir,
- You do, Stobs, He means...
No, right, No, no,
There is a cave right up near Bearpen
Branch, we played some music up there,