Broke my young heart,
we gonna be here all night?
Stand over there,
Ruby, she don't know
one end of the war from the other,
You don't have to worry yourself about her,
is what I'm sayin',
Or Ada, neither,
You know what I'm sayin'?
You too,
You stand over there,
we gonna get our tintype made?
Don't smile,
- what?
- Quit smilin',
He always smiles,
He don't mean nothin' by it,
I told him, there ain't nothin' in this world
worth a smile!
Put your hat over your face,
Cover your face with your hat,
- Ruby!
- what?
- Ruby!
- what's wrong?
- Teague... The Home Guard...
- what?
They shot your daddy!
They shot your daddy, and Pangle too!
I told Georgia he can stop here,
I told him he can sleep in the barn,
He's got nothin' inside him,
He'll walk out of here and die in the snow,
He can milk the cows,
I was worried about that,