Just tell him it's regarding
an accounting problem.
Yeah, he'll know.
Hollywood and Vine?
- When?
- Two hours from now.
- But just me.
- Fuck that. We're going too.
Let's all just put our dicks back in our
pants for a second, okay?
Is this the best
thing to do, Jake?
How do you know the King
is going to let you walk, Jake?
'Cause I'm getting a ride.
Don't be dicking around
in there, okay?
And if he shoots you or stabs you or
causes you to bleed profusely,
call a cab, 'cause your ass
ain't getting back in here.
Thanks, guys.
We appreciate your punctuality.
Mr. King is expecting you.
You said to pat him down,
so I'm patting him down.
It only takes a
moment to be polite.
My apology, Mr. Vig.
If you wouldn't mind?
- So you the guy that got Big Al?
- Nope.
Mr. King farms out
that kind of work. Please.
After you.
Wait with the ladies.
Okay, now you see
that right there?
Find out who she is. Make a note.
I think it's channel 42 or 3.
- A little harder.
- The girls are here and the kid.
Also got the Seldin brothers
with a shipment.
- Bring them in.
- Which?
- Whatever.
- The brothers, the girl or the kid?
Oh that's good. Whoever. Come on. I'm
getting a massage, Harlin.
You got it, boss.
Jake, ladies.
Harlin, I think I bet that dog.
Go! Go! Go!
Well, look it here.
- Hi, girls.
- Hi.