
We have dinner plans.
Oh, well, uh...
- thank you for the drink.
- Oh, you're welcome.

I was just going to ask
if you'd like to join us.

- Sure.
- Okay.

So she got one leg out from
under him, now we had to lean.

So then Miles, God bless him,
he walks right into

the fucking Creative Director's office and
he says,

"I'm sorry this
program is for shit."

No, no. And then he throws
like a thousand pages of code

- all over the fucking guy's office!
- This is our boss, all right?

So he kicks Miles and I out of the office,
he's screaming and yelling,

"You're fired. Your whole
fucking team is fired."

Now he's looking for Lily,
he's looking for Lupus,

- and of course he can't find Gordo.
- That's the best part.

He cannot find Gordo, okay?
So what happens?

- He finally finds...
- Whoa, whoa, whoa...

- you don't have to tell this part.
- He's in the bathroom.

So he kicks down
the stall room door,

and starts screaming
at the top of his lungs.

And there's Gordo,
his pants around the ankles,
"PC World" mag in hand,
and he's punching the cloud.

I'm sorry.
Frankly, I was spanking.

And it was a fucking
traumatizing event,

because I haven't been able to use a public
restroom since that day.

Me neither.
I swear to God.
Gordo's got some issues.
He's got some issues.

And let's not forget,
the great thing that did come from that day
was we said, "Enough!"

That's the day we started our
own business and said goodbye

- to shithead bosses. So...
- Hear, hear.

I really admire you guys
taking a chance like that.

Leon here works at a bank.
What bank did you say it was?

Price Trust.
No shit, really?
Talk about shithead bosses.
Now that's gotta be a trip.

- What's he like to work for?
- Oh, you know. He's okay.

- Really?
- Oh, come on!

Well, he's a...
he's just a fucking shithead.
What can I tell you?
