Hi there.
I'd like this cashed, please.
Mr. Ashby?
Mr. Thompson from international calling. He
has a 34-R
on a corporate
account in Belize.
That's probably just a new
account marker, I'II...
To ensure we weren't
going to welch,
Ashby's cut was transferred
into his own offshore account.
Tell you what.
I am going to lunch.
You tell him I'll
call him back later.
We called them
the Green Twinkies.
We got Twinkies.
Gordo, that's outstanding.
Good work.
we got the money.
I don't believe this.
Gordo's flying back
with it now.
So we'll head on over to the bar, meet up
with everybody there.
I sent Miles to the airport
to wait for Gordo to land.
Everything was going
as planned.
Gordo, do me a favor. Just use the
bathroom on the plane, all right?
Guy's walking around with
$5 million cash
and he's going to stop to use
a public bathroom at the airport?
That guy's got
a serious problem.
You're telling me.
Here's where I got stupid, here's
where I got that big fucking itch.
I got something on me?
I'm going to be straight
with you, Lupus.
I don't think we could've
gotten this far without you.
So I got a little
proposition for you.
A way for us to clear
the whole five million.