Police escorts are going
to pick up the money.
I knew it, I knew it... I should
have listened to my instinct.
Shit! How do we get
the money now?
You gonna have to
take it in the airport.
The guy he's got a black
Nike duffel bag on wheels.
He's got this thing
with bathrooms.
If he makes it through Customs he'll be
heading for the john.
That's good. We'll get him
with his pants down.
You'll take care of scooter
once we get the money.
Maybe Gordo's got it right.
Maybe we're all just looking
for a safe place to shit.
That's cute.
Very cute.
What about all that
bullshit at the bar?
About your three-shot,
four-shot espresso sob story?
Showing me your little boo-boo. What was
all that fucking shit?
That? I got that
at a barbecue, grilling halibut.
- You trust this Butan guy?
- I don't trust anybody.
I'm so sick of listening
to this douche bag's shit.
I swear to fucking God.
If my kid's teeth
weren't so fucked up,
I'd love to walk up to that dude and take
that gay hat of his
and shove it right up
his ass on principle.
You see how bad
this guy wants Vig?
It's like a sickness.
I say we collar him ourselves.
That way we got Vig,
we got leverage and we trade.
Vig for the tape.
This is Butan.
You guys awake?
Yeah, we're here.
Okay, stay sharp.
- Be right back.
- Is this it?