Man, I love colored stones.
This one blue diamond
is at least $2.5 million.
Oh, yeah? So whose stuff we stealing?
- Drug dealers, money launderers...
- Works for me.
This I can use.
Check this out.
This is what we came for.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
Jackpot. The rest is ours.
Your employer betrayed you.
The police are on the way.
- Leave the stones.
- Who is this?
You know the ones I mean.
I'm not gonna be able to do that.
Wrap them up.
Let's go, boys.
Better go move my car.
Five-O at the door, gotta go.
- Move now!
- Time to bounce. Leave this shit.
- Is this your car?
- Yeah, it's my car!
- Get it out of here!
- Move your shit...
- I'll move that, you move this.
- All right.
Let's go. Out of here, right now.
They stopped the trains.