Cuore altrove, Il

straight down to the physical stuff!
No one's understood that here.
It means we're equals.
We swap this powerful energy,
and then it's over.
The landlady doesn't want me
to bring her here.
-I can imagine.
-I bring her anyway.
-Twice a week.
-How do you manage it.
Sundays and Mondays she
goes to the cemetery.

-Write it down. -What?
Biraschi, the one who slept in here,
knew all about it and always helped me.
-Where's Biraschi now?
-No longer with us.
-He was a fantastic person.
He'd even wear a tie to go to the W.C.
-Today I did you a favour.
-I told someone about you...
You'll meet her tomorrow.
When I read as a child,
I needed to know more about
the author's life,
about his relationship with others.
Something that would bring it closer to me.
-In Lucrezio's case, it was suicide.
-You want to commit suicide?
-No, absolutely not.
Don't hope for that!
Lucrezio's suicide may seem
He hanged himself after taking poison.
No one has revealed to us
the reasons for this.

Why that young Roman should die
without realising his own greatness...
ignorant of his place as one of
the most sensitive Latin poets.
-Perhaps he did it for love.
-Yes, perhaps.
It's a hypothesis.
We could read "De Rerum Natura"
to try and discover the reasons
for this terrible act.
