like women do?
See how sensitive she is?
Your hands are chubby!
-Don't say those words!
-lf she says certain sounds,
she springs a little leak!
But it's avoidable.
-It's a just little thing.
-Of course.
Why not dance?
-Are you sightless too?
-No, why?
You can't dance.
I know, I should take lessons.
You're a bit clumsy!
Excuse me.
-Not enjoying yourself?
-I am. Very much.
-You're not dancing?
-Is just that...
-The toilet? Down there.
-Thank you.
Who is it?
Candida me capiet capiet me flava puella...
-Sighted or sightless?
-You're not from here.
-No, Rome.
-A soldier.
-No, I teach.
-Latin and Greek.
-At the Galvani?
-I went there. Class three A.
-I teach in section B.
-Is Gibertoni still the principal?
-I believe so.
-He was in love with me.
I think he was married and had
two or three children.
He used to leave messages
in my homework.
-You were quoting Ovid.