Professor Osti tested you twice
on your Latin.
-Isn't that so? -Yes.
Here I see an "unprepared" and a 4.
But three days ago, Prof. Balocchi
actually gave you an 8!
-8! -Yes, I believe so.
-What book are you studying?
-The second.
Read and translate.
"Suave mari magno turban-"
"tibus aequora ventis..."
But this isn't Aeneid or Virgil!
No, it's Lucrezio."De Rerum Natura".
A suicidal maniac with venereal
Read Lattanzio and you'll see
why it's not our programme.
Professor,is there a reason
for your insubordination?
I always loved Lucrezio,
I thought the students would too.
-I didn't think I'd displease you.
-Please go.
I'll tell you something that will please you.
I know a girl who studied here.
She said you left love letters
in her homework.
Perhaps you remember her?
Angela Gardini.
-Long hair... -Her?
-How do you know her?
-There's a strong bond.
-With her? -At least on my part.
Well then, you don't know her
or what she's capable of!
Get away from her!