- More learning about things?
- Yes.
We're at a very critical age.
- You have to feed our minds.
- All right. You want to write that down?
"Feed our minds."
Great. Okay, what else?
Dolphins. Dolphins are good.
- Dolphins are fish.
- No, they're not.
- They live in water.
- That doesn't mean they're fish.
Calm down and talk about something else.
What else would you like to talk about?
Where do babies come from?
Let's go back to the dolphin subject
and discuss dolphins...
or if there's anything else
on someone's mind we can talk about...
- other than that.
- Write that down.
- Okay, what else?
- Could we...
What were you going to say, Ben?
I can see you were going to say something.
What is it, son?
- drawing?
- More drawings?
Yeah! Like pictures and stuff. It's really fun.
- Okay, yeah, great. More drawings.
- Yeah!
- More chasing bad guys.
- Excellent idea.
We can chase Joker.
Well, wait a second, buddy.
That's Batman's bad guy.
You're Flash,
so you want to be chasing...
- Lex Luthor?
- No. That's Superman.
You want to be chasing Captain Boomerang,
Gorilla Grodd, Reverse Flash.
The Riddler?
What have you been doing to these kids?