-Hi. How you doing?
-Didn't you hear?
-l was acquitted.
-Not by me.
Hey, that light
at the end of the tunnel?
-Guess what. That's not heaven.
-l'll kill you! l'll kill you!
-That's the C train.
-l'll kill you! Oh, God!
Hey, you can't go past there.
-Call Charlie.
You're wasting your time, Urich.
There's nothing to see here.
Jose Quesada.
And the rest of Jose Quesada.
-Whole lot of nothing, huh?
-Keep running those stories. . .
. . .and we'll end up with copycat
vigilantes who'll get themselves killed.
Are you here to confirm that Daredevil
is responsible for this, detective?
Come on, Urich. Stop busting my--
There is no proof that your
so-called Daredevil was involved. . .
. . .nor that he even exists. Got it?
Got it.