lt's been three months now, and
l've never even seen your apartment.
Every time we sleep together,
l wake up in the morning alone.
l mean, Jesus, where do you go
at 3:00 in the morning?
l thought that if l waited, if
l was patient enough, you'd let me in.
That we'd take our relationship
to the next level.
Then l realized
that this is the next level.
Goodbye, Matt.
l hope you find what you're looking for.
Forgive me, Father, for l have sinned.
-lt's been a week since--
-What are you playing at, Matt?
You didn't come here for forgiveness.
You want permission,
and l can't give you that.
-Justice isn't a sin, Father.
-No, but vengeance is.
You see it every day on the streets.
Violence just begets more violence.