ls that how you want to live your life?
A lawyer during the day. . .
. . .and then judge and jury at night.
ls that what you want?
-Somebody has to do something.
-Well, why you?
-Because l can. Because l'm not afraid.
-Well, l'm afraid for you, Matthew.
Look, a man without fear
is a man without hope.
May God have mercy on you, forgive you
and grant you everlasting life. Amen.
l'm not too crazy
about the outfit either.
"Eyewitnesses say Quesada
was singled out. . .
. . .by the demonic vigilante
known as the Daredevil. "
-l don't know why you read that.
-There's gotta be something to it.
-Like the alligators in the sewers?
-There are alligators in the sewers.
-A friend in sanitation has seen them.
-Fine. Just drop it.
You should see this guy.
They got this picture.
-They have a picture?
-lt's a drawing, an artist's rendering.
lt's just-- lt's grotesque.
l'd hate to see his therapy bills.
Speaking of bills. . .
. . .your client, Mr. Lee,
made his first payment.
-Great. You should be very happy.
-Yeah, it's fantastic. He paid in fluke.
Fluke is a fish.
Did you know that? l didn't.
Mr. Lee is a good man
and doesn't have much money. . .
. . .and he fishes on weekends.
l guess it's--
l salsa dance on weekends, but l don't
shake my ass to pay my phone bill.
Will you pass the honey, please?
We need better clients.
l'm tired of pro bono cases.
What is your problem with our clients?
We have good, honorable clients.
What's your idea of better?
Define "better. "
-What would be a better client?
-Better means rich and guilty, okay?
Law school taught us
to create a moral vacuum. . .
. . .so you can represent people
who aren't innocent.