-That was your best course, as l recall.
-You don't have a moral vacuum.
You are completely vacuum-less.
-What? What? Where? Where? Where?
-Front door. Not yet, soon.
Tell me.
-You want the truth?
She's hideous.
l don't know if it's a fungus
or some congenital birth defect. . .
. . .but as your attorney in this matter,
l advise you to take no further action.
-l'm sorry. Excuse me.
l was looking for some honey.
Could you help me out?
Right in front of you.
Well, could you be
a little bit more specific?
-What are you--?
-Blind? Yeah.
-l am so sorry.
-That's okay.
-Friend of yours?
-You know, l've never seen him before.
Matt Murdock.
-Nice to meet you, Matt Murdock.
-Nice to meet you.
l didn't get your name.
l didn't give it.
Some people have no compassion
for the handicapped.
Apparently not.
-Where you going?
-l'm gonna file an appeal.
We have to be in court by noon.
-1 2:00, Matt.
-l'll be there.