-l said l was sorry. What do you want?
-Details. You owe me that.
Her name's Elektra Natchios.
She sounds like a Mexican appetizer.
lt's Greek, genius.
Her father's Nikolaos Natchios.
-The billionaire?
-Yeah, see. Yes, the billionaire.
As your attorney, l advise you
to marry her immediately.
l'll take it under consideration.
Susie is my son Larry's daughter
by his first marriage.
She eloped with this
semi-colored fellow from London.
What's the word for that? Mulatto.
Just let's say he had
a little cream in his coffee.
But he did very well
for himself on the lnternet.
But don't ask me how. No.
You know, they did get me a computer
for Christmas last year. . .
. . .but l refuse. l'm afraid
it's going to explode.
But who can afford to fly these days?
But then my sister Marjorie called and
said she had these frequent-flier miles. . .
. . .and she couldn't use them
because of her sciatic nerve.
So l said--
She's sleeping. Can l get you
anything before we land?
More peanuts, please.
-Yo, taxi!
-That's over on Seventh.