[No Audible Dialogue]
Oh, yeah, baby. You know
what daddy likes, don't you?
- [Crowd Gasps]
- [Woman] What the hell is that?
- [People Screaming, Shouting]
- He's got a gun! He's got a gun!
- Come here!
- [Screaming, Shouting Continue]
He grabbed some chick!
- Hold it! Let her go!
- [Screaming] Help!
Let the girl go.
- Freeze, asshole!
You know what we got here.
- We'll do it!
- Let's go.
- [Continues Screaming]
Oh, my God!
Stop, damn it!
[Shouts, Indistinct]
- No! Lance!
- [Grunts]
[Woman]Josie... You should
let him take some nudes.
- Wayne takes awesome nudes.
- Yeah, right. That's gonna happen.
- You have a problem with that?
- L've got a huge problem with that.
I don't want my girlfriend's naked body
plastered all over the Internet.
Okay. Nudes, idiot.
Not girly pictures.
Wayne's an artist.
He's not a pornographer.
- Here. You don't believe me?
- No.