- [Chuckles] Funny you should ask. No.
- [Chuckles]
Oh, there...
There is one good benefit though.
What's that?
We get to hear all
the great werewolf jokes.
- Ooh. Great werewolf jokes?
- Yeah. Like, uh-uh...
- What happened to the werewolf
that ate too much garlic?
- What?
- His bark was worse than his bite.
- Oh, that's bad.
All right. Why-Why...
Why was the werewolf running so fast?
- Why?
- He was in a hairy.
- [Laughing]
- Or, uh...
Why-Why... Why was the werewolf
arrested in the butcher shop?
- Why? Why?
- Because he was chop-lifting.
That's awful.
- Or, uh...
- No more! No more! That's bad.
You're okay, Steve Turley.
You're-You're okay too... josie.
I don't even know
your last name.
Pagano. Italian.
[Cell Phone Rings]
Turley. What?
l'm on my way.
[DarkWolf Howling]
You guys ready?
- Let's do it.
- Mm-hmm.
[Hushed Murmuring]