It's on videotape.
You can't fuck with that.
They going down.
If they go down, I'll buy you
some old-fashioned black pussy.
If them motherfuckers walk,
you gotta spot me a ho.
And no white ho.
I want a Puerto Rican.
Where you gonna find
a Puerto Rican in L.A.?
I'll get you some Mexican shit.
I don't want
no clumsy-ass Mexican.
I want me a badass
Puerto Rican bitch.
I don't give a fuck
if you gotta swim.
Let's shake.
It's about that time.
We do this
short, simple, and clean.
Detective Keough...
if you had
a little time machine...
and you could travel back
to the day of the shooting...
to the afternoon that
you killed Mr. Robertson...
I'd like to hear what
you'd do differently.
I wouldn't do
anything differently, sir.
He drew down on me.
I did what I was trained to do.
If anything, sir,
I should've acted quicker.
The last man Robertson pulled
a gun on isn't with us anymore.
Thank you, Detective.