Dark Blue

"Well, it's finally over.
"l found a place.
"I'm taking our son with me.
"This is a good thing.
"He's frightened of you,
like I used to be.

"l know you can handle
our leaving...

"because you really don't
give a shit about us."

Honey, that is not--
"You care more about
the people you hate.

"l guess you're still trying
to be your father."

"You'll find out anyway,
so I'm telling you now.

"l met a man at the jail.
"But don't start beating up
every deputy you see...

"because he's not a cop...
and he's not an inmate, either."
"He's a lawyer."
-"A defense lawyer."
-Oh, that's good.

A fucking defense lawyer.
That's just...

Sal, come on, man.
This is...

Fuck it, man. Whatever.
Get back in here!
You wanted me to read it...
you're going
to listen to me read it!

"We're going to try and
start a new life together.

"And I say try
because I have no idea...

"what a healthy relationship
looks like."

"l know this seems abrupt...
"unless you're good
at reading signals...

"which you're not."
"l have watched you
descend into Hell...

"and I have been waiting
for you to come back.

you don't want to."

"l loved you."
