So how did this happen?
How about telling me about the last 1 2
years of your life in 25 words or less?
l went to a foster home...
...and we moved out west
to Las Vegas...
...and now l work in a casino.
ls that 25 words yet?
Keep going.
Are you and Larry going out?
-Why do you ask?
-l don't know, l just--
Got it.
l don't know what l'm doing wrong.
-Don't give him any more tests.
They stuck me with every needle...
...gave me more Rorschachs than l
could count, and it didn't do a thing.
Don't let that happen to Michael.
Kyle Walsh.
You're gonna have to come with us.
You ever see anything like this,
ln this town, you'd be surprised.
What's with all the flashlights?
-Are you afraid of the dark?
-Yes, sir.
lf you knew why,
you'd think l was crazy.
Shit, this one
l can't even pronounce.
Doc says half of these
are antipsychotics.