I'm good.
I prayed on this.
God- God is gonna
take care of it.
God ain't shipping out
no men.
Like hell he ain't.
Look here, when you talk to God,
tell him a sister needs
a tall, fine one.
- And not gay.
- You know you want the soul pole.
No, he didn't. No, he didn't! Bam!
A star for a star.
You shouldn't let Eva stop us
from moving in together, Beth.
See, I just don't sense
that we're spiritually...
in tune with each other...
And besides,
we're not married. Hmm?
I'm not gonna propose
just to spend the night.
Okay. Have I ever
pressured you about that?
Of course not.
And Eva says cohabitation does not increase
the chances of a lasting relationship.
Oh, my God. Will you stop
it with the "Evaisms"?
That woman with her statistics
and her philosophy- Mike, honey-
She's very intelligent.
Don't hate on her for it.
If she's so smart, why doesn't
she dissolve the fund...
and let you live your own lives
with your own money?
You know what? This is stress.
You wanna do some meditation, hmm?
No. No meditation.
Stress is why your colon
is all clogged up.
Thanks to Eva's doctor,
my colon is a freeway.
Look, all I wanna do
is spend the night with you...
and not have to get up in the middle
of the night like some criminal.
I enjoy spending time
with you.
I love the way you blink.
I love that smile.
I love you.
I love you too.
But why should a man buy the software
when he can download for free?