Deliver Us from Eva

I'm not the churchgoing type.
You people get up early.

Nice job with the choir,
Eva, girl. They were bangin'.

You know, Reverend, your sermon
today was great. I mean, bang-up job.

Although you did miss a word of
that verse from the Book of Acts.

I think I was the only one who
caught it, and, well, God, of course.

So I took the liberty of
jotting down a few suggestions...

on how you can do better
in the future. Say what?

My child, please.
I appreciate that.

But you know what?
I got this.

- Praise the Lord.
Praise him. Eva, we're
all waiting for you.

Can't you see I'm busy, Michael?
I am speaking with the reverend.

Oh, no, no, honey.
Please, go.

Go back to your friends.
Please- No. Go.

Actually, Reverend, I needed to
talk to you and get your advice...

for a friend of mine who has a
dilemma about a job she's considering.

Mmm. I've got people who have
much bigger problems, Eva.

People whose souls need to be saved
from eternal damnation. Stuff like that.

A soul lasts forever,
Reverend, and this job may not.

Please, I need to tell her
what to do. Tell your friend I-

Follow her heart.
Now, please, excuse me.
Eva, this is Ray Adams,
a friend of mine.

Hello, Raymond.

Call me Ray. No one calls me
Raymond. Well, I do, Raymond.

What's so funny?
I love a woman
who speaks her mind.

My girlfriend's the same way.
Oh. Well, good for her.
Ray, I didn't know
you were seeing anyone.

Oh, yeah,
about six months now.

I see a friend of mine over there.
It's nice to meet you. All of you.

What the hell
was that, man?

Why did you tell her you had a
woman? We gave you half the money.

If you're thinking about screwing us
- Mmm! Calm down. Calm down. Calm down.
