As one car breaks down,
you just hop into another one?
I'd like to think that going
out with you is riding in a limo.
- I'm sorry. Did I insult you?
- No. No, it was very funny.
I just don't laugh a lot.
Lord, help me.
That's a good-looking man.
I can't keep
my legs together.
The sun comes up and you
can't keep your legs together.
He's got sneaky eyes.
don't you start.
I didn't make the man's eyes
all beady and shifty. Shh!
- What?
- You never answered my question.
What question was that?
Will you go out with me?
Look, Raymond, I know we just met,
and you seem like a really nice guy,
but I think I should tell you a
little something about myself. Okay.
I know the one thing
that scares men to death.
- What's that?
- I know the truth about them.
And the truth is, most men
don't really know what they want.
I've been through
all the basic types.
The playa-playas, who
think women are disposable toys.
The confused man, who doesn't know if
he wants to date you or your brother.
The lazy ones, who live with their mother
and expect you to pick up the check.
So if you really
wanna go out with me,
realize that it means
being a gentleman,
understand that it means
respecting my mind, body and spirit.
Eva, I'm not afraid
of you.
And I wanna go on record as
saying I totally respect...
your mind and your spirit.
- What about my body?
- It's beautiful.
- But will you respect it?
- I'll do anything to it you want me to.
Look at that. The corners of
your mouth actually turn up.
A smart-ass.
I like that.
So, will you
go out with me?
He's eating the beans.
He's eating the beans.
Oh, no, brother.
Don't do it, brother.
Whoo! That's good.
That's really good.
- Kareenah sure can cook, huh?
- Actually, I made those beans.
You put your foot in them, girl.
Damn, I love spicy food.