
The names are clear enough aren't they?
shows pictures of stars...
But now due to legal issues
they show pictures of naked celebrity look-alikes.
Don't you have that in France?
- Not yet, no.

It's going well.
- Great.

It's enormous... enormous.
And also Sexslavelaracroft shows
illustrated pornographic stories
involving Lara Croft...
the star of the video game Tomb Raider.
Now the Eidos company
is demanding 30 million dollar
in damages.

We have decided to temporarily suspend this service
in anticipation of the verdict.
What do you think?
I like the heels and the shape,
but I don't know about all the zippers.
I think they want to make a deal.
I don't know.
They seemed incredibly cautious to me.
Try the other ones. - They want to be cold,
and businesslike

but they don't know shit.
What's up with that Hervé guy?
He's such a dick. - Except for Diane.
Yeah, she seems smart.
Will you try these on.
They're your size, I'm sure they'll fit.
I think Diane should work with us.
I think we need her.
Elise, do you have any idea how we can approach Diane?
No, no idea.
You don't like her very much, do you?
I hate her guts.
I think I look great in these boots.
