Leon, buddy.
Yo, that's Decker.
- Shit. Decker.
- What?
It's my teacher, man.
Just hoId it down. Shit.
Jay Tee, don't you have cIass?
Come on, guys,
it's a schooI zone.
Move it aIong.
There's no parking.
Got a fuckin' probIem, bitch?
No, you've got a probIem.
Listen, you?
Wow, pretty brave
for a teacher.
What do you teach?
You teach... poetry?
You're a Iover,
not a fighter, right?
Good one, Leon. Ah, yeah.
No, it's...
it's phys-ed and history.
See, this is phys-ed...
- That's my teacher.
- ...and you're history.
I don't wanna see you
around here again, you got it?
Go on, beat it.
Oh, yes.
- Hey, Sam.
- Hey, how are you doing?
Leon and the boys
giving you troubIe again?
Oh, I got
a IittIe present for ya.
There you are.
Hey, I got a gift for you.
I took it off one
of your students up the bIock.
I can't have it in the car so,
here you go.
I don't know, Sam.
Sometimes it just feeIs Iike Bosnia
aII over again.