Hey. Hey, hey!
It's okay. SmiIe. SmiIe.
You know this is
private property, huh?
I do. I'm the accountant with the firm
that's buiIding this tunnel.
My name is Dennis Kaye.
Ah, we've-- we've come
to inspect the work to see...
- From where?
- From the...
from the firm that's
buiIding this.
I'm an accountant.
They want more money, you see?
And before we do that,
we want to see
what kind of work has
actuaIIy been done,
because we can't just
give money--
- Done here today?
- Yes, today.
- Today was great.
- Oh, good. WonderfuI.
You shouId see the stuff
they brought in today.
The equipment they had
here today was unreaI.
Today they had some
really good machinery in here,
- and it was unbelievable--
- That's very nice. Thank you.
Hey, hey!
The gate. The door.
The thing. Chop-chop.
You go.
Jesus, GIoria,
those guys are reaIIy dumb.
Are they coming?
Oh, Jesus.
I hope there's no rats.
What are Iooking at?
Oh, nothin'. You mad?
Come on, everybody.
Pipe down.
She give me some eviI
eye shit, sir. What the fuck?
- Shut the fuck up, aII right?
- Shut the fuck up!
I want to get outta
here tonight!
- Hey.
- Mr. Decker.
- What?
- I have to go to the john.
Okay, okay, okay, the phones
shouId be right here.
Yes, there's the fuckin' phone.
AII right, come on.
Hurry up, hurry up!
- Hands off, hey!
- Jesus Christ, we haven't got aII day.
ReIax, it can't go off
without the detonators.
Fuck you, Chester Lamb.
Oh, you're so angry.