That was big.
How was that?
Yeah? AII right, good.
Give it aim.
10 more minutes, WiIIy.
10 minutes? AII right.
- How Iong she need to take a pee?
- ReIax.
Frequent urination is normaI
for pregnant women, man.
- Oh.
- How the heII you know that?
I got three IittIe brothers
and sisters, aII right?
They aII dumb
and ugIy as you?
Hey, reIax, thugs-r-us.
CaIm down.
Fuck it!
What you doin'?
Look, you guys can stick around
if you want, but I'm bookin'.
- What are we gonna teII Decker?
- You can teII him to kiss my ass.
Looks Iike it's just
you and me now, huh?