- Okay.
- Rock and roII.
Okay, AIicia.
Let's go.
- Ah...
- AIicia, are you aII right?
No, I feeI kind of funny.
Okay, aII right. I'II Iet
the boys out their cage
and we'II get you home, okay?
- Yeah.
- Okay, Iet's go.
Who's that?!
Who's in there?
I'II go Iook.
Wait up!
Home at Iast.
Wait! Don't go!
Excuse me.
You say onIy one guard, Lamb!
- AIex.
- What?!
Does he Iook Iike a guard
to youse?
He's just a glitch.
Find the security guard, and...
try not to shoot each other.
why don't you stay here