It's Iike a temp agency
for midget criminaI minds.
The target's going
to be here in 50 minutes.
You Ioad up
the cars with AIek.
What about the teacher?
Crash course.
Death 101.
I Iove you. Go.
l ordered
all these motorcycle units
to be at the airport
for the motorcade.
I've got over a ton of smack
going into the incinerator
in this van,
- and it does not go without an escort.
- We depart in 45 minutes.
You can't be suggesting that
a shipment of heroin is more important
than the visit of the Vice-president
of the United States.
- I've onIy got so much manpower.
- That's your department, Sergeant.
Mine is the protection of the second
most powerfuI man in the worId.
No question in my mind
which takes priority.
Why don't you find
something to do?
Nice tie.
One, two, three.
Can you hear me?
Teacher, teacher...
Lamb, they are in.
ExceIIent, pussycat.
Get to the auditorium.
Take another gun for Viktor.
Make sure
he hangs on to this one.
Oh my God.
Let's go around
and onto the stairs.
Oh my God, oh my God,
oh my God!
HoId on, hoId on.
HoId on, hoId on.
AII right,
how do we get out of here?
Stage door, that way.
Shit, the door is Iocked.
Is there another door?
- I don't think so.
- Better be another door.
- There isn't!
- Damn!
- You aII right?
- Just reaIIy winded.
- Shit.
- Hogie?
- Thank you.
- Naw, thank you.
- Hey, shit! What you--
- Put the gun down!
What do you think?
Just trying not to get kiIIed here.
- Did the fuckers foIIow you, man?
- Yo, I don't know, aII right?