Officer, help!
l'm over here.
Hey, honey. It's aII right.
Don't be scared.
Come on down the Iadder, okay?
Don't be afraid.
I'm a cop.
I'm one of the good guys.
Hey, good guy.
Mr. Decker,
what are you doing?!
CharIee, he's with the bad guys.
He just tried to kiII me.
Never heard you comin'.
Guess you haven't Iost
your touch, huh?
I guess you have.
CharIee, you okay?
Is that the way
into the schooI?
Okay. You stay there.
- I'II come and heIp you, okay?
- Okay.
Let's do this.
Fuck kids.
I want teacher.
He kiIIed my brother.
Shh, performance in progress.
To be or not to be.
That's the bitch.
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty...