Pussy, no, no. We've got
a date with a big van now!
Hey, what about me?
You need my heIp.
I'm sure we can manage
without you.
Who just saved
your ass, pussycat?
Hey, you.
Get your own pussycat.
Stay here.
Make sure the kids don't Ieave and...
watch that other Ieg.
Yo, you aII can come out now.
- Shh.
- Oh.
Nice shootin', Rambo.
You hit anything?
Shut up, I must have hit
somethin', man.
- I'm nice with this right here.
- Where'd they go?
AII right, get far from here,
find a phone
and caII the state poIice.
- Okay.
- Okay?
AII right.
I'm goin' back in.
Wait, you can't.
They'II kiII you!
Just get in the car.
Let's go, come on.
Mr. Decker, why are you putting
your butt on the Iine for them?
They wouIdn't do it for you.
They're my responsibiIity.
Okay? Let's go.
Give me the keys.
Now, open the door.
Get out.
Come on!
Over here! Move!
Remember I said
I was a nice guy, huh?
You know what that means?
It means I'm not gonna kiII you.
Get in the trunk!