- Hmm, good stuff.
- Yeah.
How do you feeI about shooting some...
innocent bystanders?
You sure know how to show
a girI a good time.
AImost Iet you
have it, big man.
HoIy shit! You're not dead?
- Yo, sir!
- AIicia, are you okay?
We did the wickedest thing.
We hooked up this fence.
Listen, Iisten,
is there a Iadder back there?
- Yeah.
- Check it out. Check it out.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
- AIicia, you okay?
- No, I need to get to a hospitaI--
Just sit down. We'II get you there,
okay? Just reIax.
- Yo, what're we gonna do?
- Check your ammo.
- You got ammo in there?
- No, I had a IittIe accident.
There's no way.
- Ahh, Viktor!
- Hey!