Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star

Peggy never said for sure
who the father was,

but the most persistent rumor
that it was David Soul,

the talented, hunky actor
from Starsky and Hutch.

Don't give up on us, baby...
And on July 2, 1967,
Dickie Roberts
came into the world.

Peggy began auditioning him
for acting parts almost daily.

Here's Peggy Roberts
in a 1989 interview.

When it came to auditions,
I used to dress him up
for the part, whatever it was.

I mean, if they wanted a cowboy,
they got a cowboy.
Even if they wanted a girl,
I'd give them one.

Do you know that he once

for Pippi Longstocking?
And he got the part.
I felt so stupid
walking into an office

holding the kid's hand.
It was rough on me.
Then, in 1972, when NBC
created a show called
The Glimmer Gang,

Dickie was cast immediately.
The show became
an instant success

and soon Dickie's picture
was plastered on magazines,

Iunch boxes and board games.
And his trademark catch phrase
was everywhere.

This is Nucking Futs!
But after six years of success,
the ratings began to slip.

And just as fast as the Dickie
phenomenon exploded,

it was over.
Dickie's mother,
soon after, left him

and moved out of the area.
He found himself alone.
Here's former Eight is Enough
star Dick Van Patten.

Stardom is really hard
on child actors,

and when you throw in a horrible
stage mother like Peggy Roberts,

poor little Dickie
had no chance.

Nobody would hire
the troubled actor,

and pictures surfaced
of Dickie's odd behavior--

including compulsive
glove wearing.

He had his name legally changed
to "David Soul's Son."

Then, tired of explaining
who David Soul was,

he tried "Hutch's Son."
Later, he changed it again
to the element chart symbols
for fluorine,
titanium and zinc.

Today, Dickie Roberts
is certain
that a showbiz comeback

is in the cards for him.
He is working
as a valet parking cars.

But as everybody knows,
in Hollywood, sometimes your
dreams can come true... again.
