Oh, come on,
what is this guy doing?
Hey, move that pile.
The light ain't getting
any greener, jarhead.
Hey, screw you, man.
Why don't you step
out of that little,
bitty wussy car
and talk to my face, huh?
Hey, screw you.
I'll kick your
steroid-loving ass, moron.
I'm going to bust you up, man.
Smell you later, stink bomb.
I'll find you.
Three, G, Q...
Hey, Dickie, aren't you worried
about that guy
tracking you down and beating
the crap out of you?
No, I'm in someone else's car,
plus the windows are tinted.
Hey, listen, this movie part
sounds like
the key to everything, man.
You've got to get me in
to see Rob Reiner.
And as your agent,
let me ask you this--
you got any ideas?
'Cause, I mean, that's just
way out of our league.
Now, you want
to get on Elimidate,
that's a different story.
I think if I talk
to some movie stars,
they can help me.
Yeah, you, where are you
going to meet movie stars?
Oh, man, that's the easy part.
So, I woke up in a boxcar
outside Lincoln, Nebraska.
All right, it was
5:00 in the morning.
Hey, Tom Arnold, what's up?
Hey, hey, it's Tom "A"
in here, okay?
And keep quiet;
it's just getting good.
She's a cross-addicted
sex addict.
And I realized
that I had hit bottom.
I hit bottom.
I see you on TV all the time.
You're doing great.
Listen, what's up?
Hey, Orville and Wilbur called.
They want to buy your collars.
They're going to take off
from Kitty Hawk at sundown.
What does that mean?
They invented the airplane,
and your lapels
are unusually huge.
That's funny.
Or is it?
I can bench-press 350 pounds.
That's great.
That's a lot.
Hey, man, I see you everywhere.
You're kicking ass.
True Lies was great.
I rent it all the time.
Can you get me in
with Rob Reiner?
Excuse me. Sir?
Can we help you?
Are you here
because you're an alcoholic?
Whoa. No. No. Baby.
Don't get that
floating around town.
Last thing I need
is people to think
I'm some drunk, alkie loser.
Not that it's bad.
I mean, it's cool.
You need to be
an alcoholic to be here.