Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star

I couldn't make head
or tails of it.

It's got so much adult stuff,
blah, blah, blah--

I didn't know what was going on.
Maybe I do need
to learn something.

Well, Hutch is your dad.
You've got more talent
in your veins

than half the actors
in this town.

You'll be great.
Sidney, David Soul
is not my father.

Oh, kid, I'm sorry.
Is it Starsky?
No. It's neither.
I don't really remember
my real dad.

The only memory I have
is playing
that board game Candy Land.

I was about five or six.
We were laughing.
I was really happy.
But then he left,
and it was just me and my mom
for a while,

and then she left, so...
I'm sorry, kid.
Sidney, the point is,
you've always been there for me.

You've been a good guy.
You're a good agent;
I appreciate it.

All right, listen,
you go do your project,

and I promise you,
I'll do whatever it takes

to get you that audition
with Rob Reiner, okay?
I never doubted you
for a second.

We're a team.
We're going to get this.
Go get 'em!
And another thing,
Stranger Danger,

all these video games--
they're mine.

And, uh, Sally's stuff--
that's hers.

So, no touchy.
Hey, can you knock it off
with the Stranger Danger

I'm not nuts about it.
Well, I think this water bed
thing is a little silly.

Are you, like,
cuckoo in the head?

Yeah, and I don't think
you should turn on that hose.

You'll get
a Water Wiggle action going.

Ooh, Water Wiggle-- what's that?
The toy-- Water Wiggle?
You don't know what toy that is?
Oh, man, this is sad.
You really did miss out,
didn't you, Stranger Danger?
