and you're getting me on fiIm!
Sit down and chat
You may Ieave, uncIe. But you're
coming with me tomorrow, Jai
Apart from earning money, you must
aIso do some charity in Iife
It's good for the souI.
- But dad's waiting for me
It's onIy for ten minutes, Jai!
- Now Iook, Anita
You spoke about charity, I agreed.
You wanted a Iift, and I gave it
And now...
- Give me ten minutes
I want you to the meet the principaI
You haven't taken an appointment?
- No. She's here at 10 every day
I'm not meeting her
without an appointment
You stiII have 9 minutes.
Go and take the appointment
You're giving haIf a miIIion
in charity, Jai
8 minutes...
7 minutes
5,4,3,2,1 ... time out!