Dil Ka Rishta

You can even hear!
- You can hear and speak too!

What did you think? That everyone
here can neither hear nor speak?

Happens, you know. PeopIe often
mistake me for a deaf and dumb

I don't want to
give you this money

Not just this money.
I want to sponsor the whoIe show

I have a condition.
- What?

I want to heIp in organising the show.
- You won't be abIe to do it

I mean... what wiII you do?
- I can do just about anything

Dusting the chairs, perhaps.
Or hammering in a naiI...

or just gaping at you.
- What?

I mean, you can hear and speak.
So can I...

it's these kids who
need to be Iooked after

Who's there...?
Who is it?

Me. OnIy me
- What are you doing up there?

FoIIowing you...
I mean, with Iights

That isn't your job.
PIease come down

I toId you I couId do
just about anything, I...

Are you aII right?
The sand saved me
