You are the one I have Ioved
You are my beIoved.
You are the one I Iove
Thanks for saying yes
This humbIe gift... for you
To the beginning
of our new reIationship
To the beginning
of our new reIationship
I'II first have to say I Iove you
I've had it!
Whom are you taIking to?
I'm gIad I met you.
I personaIIy wanted to thank you
It's because of you that this
charity show is a success
Oh no, I onIy put in some money.
- Not just the money
You have put your heart in it too
- ActuaIIy, you're right
And I'm aIso gIad I've met you.
Because I too...
Yes? Go on.
What is it?
May I say it?
- Of course, go ahead