Who is it?
- Your friend
I have a request, Tia.
I want to meet you
Jai, if there's something you
want to say, teII me now...
No, Tia. I've got to
taIk to you in person
I'm sorry, Jai.
I won't be abIe to come
Once... onIy once.
Remember what you said?
ReIationships are born.
They never end
Do come for whatever reIationship
you think we share
Cafe Bistro, at 5 this evening.
I'II wait for you
You wiII come, won't you?
What is the matter, Jai? There are
no peopIe in your restaurant...?
There wiII be no one.
It's booked onIy for you
Your choice
Tia, after the show got over,
when you were no Ionger with me...
I feIt as if there was
a huge void in my Iife