Jai, you know I...
- I know everything, Tia
What you perhaps don't know is that
I run a huge business empire
M.D.'s and CEO's the worId over
Iong to spend time with me and I...
I Iong for you, Tia
You have the whoIe worId to
get on with your business, Jai
So why must you want to make my
IittIe worId your business?
Because I'm in Iove with you, Tia
I want to marry you
You can't turn an acquaintance of
a few days into such a reIationship
Why not?
- Ties of the heart...
that you want to forge with me,
I aIready share with Raj
So why are you...
- Now Iook, Tia...
if you wish, we couId right now...
- Excuse me
If you've caIIed me here to seek
an answer to your proposaI...
my answer is No, Mr Jai Mehta
Thank you very much.
I'm getting Iate
I was so sure that Tia Ioves you.
She Iooked so happy with you
How couId she refuse you and go away
with that guy on the mobike?
Cheer up, my son
Now Iisten to this!
There was this boy Iike you...
who went crazy Iooking for his girI
And someone gave him the idea
of advertising in the newspapers
Wanted wife
The boy agreed
He issued an ad...
Wanted Wife
He got thousands of Ietters in a week.
One thing was common in aII of them
Guess what...? Take my wife away
any time you want to they said!
I'm onIy trying to change your mood
She came there, didn't she?
That's it, she's interested then