Dil Ka Rishta

But a mother does not Iive
in her daughter's house

She Iives in her son's house,
doesn't she?

Even if you don't caII me your son,
treat me Iike one, mother

Say yes mother
I have everything today, Mother.

Take your girIfriend to a seven-star
and she says she Ioves you

Here's the seven-star
Wait... where are we going?
Get down
- Where eIse?

But you said...
- Seven-star. This is the one

Even if it's a smaII pIace,
one must have a Iarge-heart

You got to be hungry to eat.
Are you hungry?

Come on
Do something speciaI today...
it's Tia's birthday

WiII be done, sir
PIease sit down
I'II be back in a moment, sir
What do you think of the pIace?
Why've you kept the pIant here?
- It's the Iady's birthday, sir

Oh yes, it is
You've changed the whoIe scene.
Why did you have to spend so much?
