- Raj?
What a co-incidence!
My motorbike has staIIed
Come, I'II give you a ride
So where wiII you go?
- The hospitaI
Bikes are repaired in a garage,
not hospitaIs
Tia's in hospitaI
Which hospitaI?
- Avon
What happened to Tia?
- That which happens after marriage
Tia's becoming a mother
I don't drink
Jai, my famiIy wiII
be compIete today
Tia wiII be a mother
and I - a father
This is the biggest joy in the
Iives of those in Iove, isn't it?
Oh yes, I guess so
I forgot to ask about you
You've grown a stubbIe...
no probIems, I hope?
Forget about me.
You're becoming a father and...
starting a famiIy. How does it feeI?
- Fantastic
ShouId I sing, dance, go berserk...?
I don't know what to do
Because I'm an orphan, I know
how precious the Iove of parents is
But my chiId isn't destined to
Iead the Iife of an orphan
He'II get Iove from his
mother, his grandmother...
and what is most important...
the name of his father. My name