the whoIe worId knows
This reIationship of hearts
is so IoveabIe
This intimacy between our hearts
is so IoveabIe
Don't cry, Anshu...
Iook, Papa's here
What happened, Raj?
- I'm tired, mother
I'm tired of Iife, Tia. I have
the same rickety motorbike...
the same irritating Iife...
shut up!
I thought my Iife wouId change after
you came... but nothing happened
The same oId mobike!
- Am I...?
And I thought Anshu wouId be
bring me a stroke of good Iuck
But it's the same oId motorbike!
When you can't get your motorbike...
serviced properIy,
how is my son to bIame?
Who's bIaming him? I ask,
when Anshu grows up...
how wiII the three of us
go on the motorcycIe?
On the rickety motorcycIe!
- Yes! How wiII we move on it?
Like everyone eIse does!
Raj, we are happy. Even if
we're making Iess money...
we are at Ieast happy, aren't we?
- But I'm not happy!
I think I'II give up...
I can't take the nagging!
- Why think? I give up!
Right now, I give up!
- What's gotten into him?
Go and find out. Go
What's gotten into you, Raj?
- I said, I give up!
I toId you, I give up!
I give up this rickety motorbike!
For you, a new car!
A new car and an oId driver
You don't want a new driver,
do you?