Only where you could see him.
The world passed right by us!
People got married and the cute guys
came out of the closet.
It's not my fault the train broke
and I was late!
Scout camp could have been
a major educational experience!
You can't dump someone after 8 years!
Especially at your age!
You wanna be free
but you're too young.
When you are free,
you're too old to enjoy it!
As if I would go with you
and those wrinkly old farts!
As it is, our hometown reeks!
You don't trust me.
Sibilla Balzarro went to the States
by herself when she was 13!
Yes, I would jump off a bridge
if she did!
All teenagers copy each other.
We lack major equilibrium,
I didn't choose to be your daughter!
You chose to be my mother!
Your daughter needs to go on vacation
with her friends.
If you won't take her
because you're selfish,
then I'll take my niece.
Why can't I go to scout camp?
You know what I'm like?
What are you like?
Martina is staying with me.
It's Meggy, not Martina.
Have a nice trip.