I got you some snacks.
Go now.
- Thanks, but...
- Go!
Mean sons of bitches!
Hail the Republic!
Hail the Great Leader!
Sexy, voluptuous beauties
24 hours a day?
Wow, this is awesome.
God, look at you!
- I'm in disguise.
- Take them off!
What have you found out?
Down that way...
There's a secret service agency.
And the ladies are selling...
Meat on sticks...
Ice cream... lce tea...
And black bubbly sweet water.
I see.
We should take a nap
for the night mission.
Captain, what about food?
What are you doing?
Captain, I haven't looked in
every nook and cranny.
Why don't you take a nap?
I'll go find some food.
Don't let yourself get sidetracked.
Don't worry, sir.